The Bridge will be Build in Phases
Each Phase has its purpose and its place!
Surveying the Area
What will we be doing…
Gain clarity on your Current money situation
Why will we be doing it…
First, we need to know your current financial
situation. Not only to have a starting point
but also to remove the fear of not knowing.
Keep Surveying the Area
What will we be doing…
Gain clarity on your money Goals
Why will we be doing it…
Then, we need to figure out where you want
to go. Let’s dream together!
Building the Foundation
What will we be doing…
Learn, Practice, and get feedback on
how to plan ahead for Expected and
Un-Expected expenses
Why will we be doing it…
This is a fundamental skill that will be used
to reach any financial goal.
Building the Pillars of the Bridge
What will we be doing…
Learn, Practice, and get feedback on
how to communicate with your
Partner about Money
Why will we be doing it…
Constructive communication is key in
holding up any money plan we will build
Building the Bridge Deck
What will we be doing…
Create a plan to get to your Priority
goal (e.g. Paying off Debt)
Why will we be doing it…
The plan will be the path to transport you
from where you are to where you want to go!